
Is the Air in Your Home Safe Enough to Breathe?

What people are usually aware of is air pollution outside our homes and establishments. Smoke coming from cigarettes, vehicles, and factories. However, the majority don’t realize how indoor air pollution can be as dangerous. Perhaps even more dangerous, especially when the weather gets too cold and doors and windows are shut tight. More likely getting more use of heaters.

People spend their time indoors 70 to 90 percent of the time, and breathing quality indoor air is vital for one’s overall health. This applies everywhere, such as in schools, business establishments, retail and grocery stores, shopping malls, and homes.

In this day and age, many are having respiratory problems because of indoor air pollution. Poor air quality can also be why some people develop cancer cells in their lungs even if they claimed they don’t smoke cigarettes or cigars.

What air pollutants endanger people’s respiratory health? 

Indoor air can contain allergens like dust mites, pet dander, mold, and mildew, especially with excess humidity levels. Some particles are released from furnaces, wood-burning fires, and even candles. Even cooking sends oil and fat particles that travel through the air. Newly installed floors and furniture and newly painted walls release toxic chemicals the people can breathe in.

Keep the floor and furniture dust-free.

Carpets and rugs are especially home to dust and other allergens that can potentially damage your health. So keep them well-vacuumed so the dust won’t add to the air you’re breathing. The same goes for your soft upholstered furniture. Make sure to remove dust from them at least twice a week. 

Let fresh air in.

Opening your windows to regulate your house’s ventilation is the cheapest way to keep your quality airflow. Doing this can lower your energy bills since it gives you additional breathable air and natural light. Although, this is not always practical, depending on the weather, temperature, humidity, pollution, and pollen levels. 

Invest in an air purifier.

Dust mites and pollen particles are unavoidable and, most of the time, microscopic. A quality air purifier trap and make pollutants disappear, making the air clean and safe enough for you to breathe in.

Reconsider the paint on your walls.

Avoid toxic paints with petrochemicals derived from acrylics, formaldehyde, ammonia, oil, and synthetic dyes. Paint products that advertise themselves to be safe and non-toxic would display ingredients. They shouldn’t contain any plastic because this material produces barriers on walls that trap air. Walls need to breathe too to avoid molds and mildew, which are other forms of allergens.

Go fragrance-free.

Your favorite scented candles, diffusers, and air fresheners can be active contributors to poor air quality. Paraffin candles actually contain similar toxins from burning diesel fuel. However, it still depends on the formulation and ingredients of these products. Be sure to consume safe ones. 

If you can’t give up your body mists, perfumes, and hair sprays, at least limit cleaning products with an intense scent. These fragrances impact those with breathing difficulties, and you might develop them as well. In fact, there are natural cleaning materials you should use instead. Not only is it natural and eco-friendly, but it can save you money as well.

Replace your AC filters.

Of course, your air conditioner filters contain long-term dust and dirt that can cause allergies as well. So make sure to clean and replace them regularly. Also, it is important to maintain it properly. 

Without proper maintenance, the efficiency of your air conditioner will drop at least 5 percent. Regular servicing for your AC will provide you with quicker heating and cooling and significantly improve its power efficiency. Relevantly, it also saves you from increasing your electric bill.

Inspect your air ducts. 

Your air ducts can be the source of allergens and poor air quality because of air leaks and additional dust, and other forms of allergens. So you should have them inspected and cleaned.

Get houseplants. 

Indoor plants give humans more oxygen supply, therefore, improve and purify the quality of the air you breathe in. They help filter the air pollutants that literally come from inside your home. Such as in cleaning products, furniture, and gas. 

Start at home on improving air quality, and be sure you make time to maintain it. As you do, you’re also maintaining your and your family’s health as well. This might sound less important and like a lot of work, but it is guaranteed that it’ll be worth your time and energy. 

Promoting clean indoor air is just as important as promoting clean outdoor air.

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